4 Tips For Working Remotely During Coronavirus Pandemic Covid-19
If you’re new to working remotely it could be a.
1. Designate a workspace
It is easier to stay mentally focused if you designate a specific area in your home to get work done. That could be a home office, spare bedroom, or some other dedicated area that offers privacy. If you can find a spot that provides a lot of natural light, even better. Also, if you will be making video calls while working remotely, make sure you have a background that you won’t mind having others see.
2. Create a comfortable environment
Make sure you have the right equipment at home so you can be efficient and productive. This includes things like a computer and high-speed Internet connection that can support video conferencing, a desk, an ergonomic chair, office supplies and a desk lamp. Make your workspace as comfortable as possible, whether that includes a scented candle, soothing music, family photos, or a potted plant.
3. Set boundaries
Now more than ever, it’s essential to set boundaries when working remotely. This is because more than likely, you have your spouse, children and pets all in close quarters. Give your family signals as to when to leave you alone. For example, when the door is closed, that means that dad is on a conference call and doesn’t want to be disturbed.
4. Keep children on a schedule
If you have children at home, staying organized is even more important during this time. If you can attempt to replicate the schedule of a typical school day, that will help. Especially with small children, try to get some of your work done while the kids are having lunch or taking naps.
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